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The meeting of the expert group “Elevators” of the Scientific and Technical Board for the heavy machine engineering development with Minpromtorg of Russia conducted on August 25 was considered a unique, landmark event by many actors of the country’s elevator sector.

President of NEU Victor Tishin considers the meeting a special event on the basis that, firstly, the Minpromtorg team led by Deputy Minister Mikhail Ivanov spent more than 2.5 hours to elevator issues, and, secondly, the agenda was composed of issues laid down by elevator makers themselves and NEU members acted as speakers.

Minpromtorg’s intention to conduct meetings of the expert group more often and more actively involve the elevator expert community for consultations is very encouraging.

President NEU treats this strive as an important milestone in the development of relations of the elevator sector with the federal executive body, as high evaluation of NEU and Russian Elevator Union activities. Perhaps, the development of relations of the two sides, among other, will influence the situation of introduction of the state regulation ideas into the elevator sector.

Vice President of NEU and General Director of BCA ‘SO “Liftservice”’ Alexei Zakharov is also inclined to state that the governmental executive body has turned its face to the professional elevator community and the evidence of this is the unprecedented number of invitees to the meeting: heads and owners of leading domestic elevator-making companies, companies that make elevator units and component parts.

Minpromtorg’s employees said in complimentary terms about the work conducted by the professional elevator community on accounting of elevators commissioned in the Russian Federation basing on the Uniform Information and Analytical System on Elevators (UIASE).

President of the Association “Russian Elevator Association” Sergei Chernyshov reminds that during the online meeting on August 25 three main areas of interaction of the elevator sector and Minpromtorg were considered. The first assumes the development of the elevator sale market; the second is for the use the governmental support mechanism for development of companies, design of new structures, units etc.; while the third one is to work directly with elevator companies and joint analysis of their conditions.

Mr. Chernyshov stated that at the meeting there was a promising vector for elevator-making: the development of engineering solutions which prevent propagation of different infections in elevator cabs. It is more than topical in the background of pandemic coronavirus COVID-19, which has not been beaten still. Some domestic companies already have some groundwork in this area and test pilot items.

If we conditionally estimate the cost of further equipping one elevator cab with new anti-infectious devices as RUB 50,000-100,000 and we multiply this by a number of elevators in operation, the new market volume in the financial equivalent may comprise from RUB 20 bln to RUB 50 bln. The elevator community is interested in broadening the promising market niche jointly with the State.

The Record of the Meeting will be provided to the elevator community shortly. The full version of presentations of specialists is accessible at NEU channel in Youtube at link.
