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       In what is probably a season of firsts for many organizations, the Massachusetts Elevator Safety Association (MESA) held its initial virtual membership meeting on June 9. The meeting was hosted by President Roland Locke, who announced the annual US$2,000 G. Gahr Finley scholarship winners, this time to three high school graduates (instead of the usual two): Mackenzie Guthrie, Owen Tragash and Bridget Evers. Other announcements were that the annual MESA Boat Cruise fundraiser, usually held in July, is canceled and will take place in 2021. The annual MESA Golf Outing for August 12 was still a go, and the annual MESA Christmas Party is planned for December 8. The September meeting may be held either in person or virtually, and the guest speaker has been confirmed as Shawn Cowden, Elevator Escalator Safety Foundation executive director. Reported by Matthew Jackson, EW Correspondent


                                                                                        The cover picture has nothing to do with the article